about us
Roma: Via Nisida 2
Milano: Viale Abruzzi 86
E-mail: info@officinevisual.it
Tel.: +39 06 86931484
Fax: +39 06 86931484
Cell.: +39 342 7379415
Cell.: +39 329 1058521
OfficineVisual is a brand of Officine69 s.r.l.s.
P. IVA 14504661001
Copyright 2019 @ officinevisual.it
All rights reserved
Spazi su misura,
risultati fuori misura.
The beautiful windows
that capture the customer
made to measure or according to the customer's project. Our activity includes the design, production and installation of solutions, guaranteeing a complete and personalized service. Furthermore, we provide window dressing services on behalf of third parties throughout the country, to allow our customers to achieve the best results in their business. Thanks to our experience and knowledge of market trends, we are able to offer innovative and cutting-edge visual merchandising solutions that distinguish our customers from the competition and attract the attention of potential buyers.
Our tailor-made services
We provide a tailor-made consulting service to meet the needs of our customers.
Write a captivating title.
Write a captivating title.
Write a captivating title.
Use this space to write your website texts. Remember to eliminate all that is superfluous and anything that does not add anything new to your texts. In this way you will be able to capture the attention of visitors on the contents of your website.
Use this space to write your website texts. Remember to eliminate all that is superfluous and anything that does not add anything new to your texts. In this way you will be able to capture the attention of visitors on the contents of your website.
Use this space to write your website texts. Remember to eliminate all that is superfluous and anything that does not add anything new to your texts. In this way you will be able to capture the attention of visitors on the contents of your website.